November 26th, 2024: The prototype is cleaned up and available here:
November 23rd, 2024: The prototype code is out now I need to do a big cleanup of the code and docs which will be out Monday night but for now you can see what I've been doing.
November 12th, 2024: PierMesh is almost ready for prototype release, it will be out by November 21st. There will be four artifacts released: modified Meshtastic firmware with a static web server run from a micro sd and the gps module turned off (at least for the transceivers we're using), a Pyodide version of PierMesh, a JS bridge for reading and sending messages on the http api and a serial enabled version of the code which was my main focus. Transport cryptography is done. I made an image protocol for sending art across PierMesh and tons more. I'll do a proper long post about everything when it's in shape. But keep an eye on here!
August 17th, 2024: Cryptography needed more work then expected as did rectifying codebase changes with existing code. Currently I am balancing a lot of different updates but I believe that doing it this way will get things done faster. Here's what I'm working on: a better action paradigm, object oriented filtering, submessages, easier protocol creation and a lot more. If you're looking for another demo or more code keep a look out for those soon.
August 10th, 2024: Let's just call them weekly updates. Regardless. Simplified the creation of protocols by defining message types as classes so there's no need to soft define messages though the ability remains to do so. Almost finished with Transport encryption prototyping along with Catch functionality and Hopper functionality. Created an Index class for Daisy in order to be able to search for Catchs easily and across the network. Also created a repository for Daisy, though it's a WIP, because the code's becoming a bit too complex to remain just part of the PierMesh code.
August 3rd, 2024: Pre prototype documentation and refactor/cleanup. You can find the docs here: Also my apologies for being a couple hours late with this, still getting the hang of weekly updates.
July 26th, 2024: Pre prototype release along with a ton of e2ee work and TUI development. Each Friday I will be doing an update here from now on to keep people updated.
July 2, 2024: Apologies for the wait but there's big news, there is now a repo for the project: and we have a Web UI prototype where I show off those features and talk about the state of the project:
May 30, 2024: I've been architecting this month and handling some other projects but I'm back to focusing on PierMesh. Today I set up some new hardware for PierMesh: a security coprocessor over usb:
April 28, 2024: You can now subscribe to an RSS feed of my work (including PierMesh) with this link:
April 24, 2024: Devlogs for all my projects can be found here now: currently it's not filtered by projects but at some point Ill create that functionality
April 23, 2024: Refactoring tests succeeding, breakthrough on n dimensional networking
April 14, 2024: Cut text packet size by 75%+ using LZMA, got my Tumblr back
April 11, 2024: End to end encryption core working, full implementation is almost complete. Packet templating implemented. Modular/object oriented code refactor almost complete. Work Tumblr was deleted for some unknown reason, moved entirely to Bluesky
April 4, 2024: Hopper begins development, Microplane officially reaches prototype status
April 2, 2024: Daisy and Catch reach prototype status
March 31, 2024: Development begins on Daisy, Bubble, Catch
March 29, 2024: First successful html transmission/parsing
March 19, 2024: Website updates, started components list
March 15, 2024: First successful programmatic transmission test, arbitrary JSON can now be sent and received.
March 5th, 2024: Site created, more coming soon
Microplane: algorithm to split files/data into properly sized packets for LoRa
Status: prototype
Catch: DNS analog
Status: prototype
Daisy: bson disk based distributed database
Status: prototype
Hopper: algorithm for consuming other network resources
Status: in development
Bubble: algorithm for peer to peer communication
Status: in development
Siph: multi dimensional software defined network stack
Status: breakthrough due to discovery of hypergraphs, planning close to prototyping
Pail: Daisy support for distributed graphs (gardens) and hypergraphs (greenhouses)
Status: planning
Sessions: Connection sessions to maintain continuous peer to peer connection
Status: planning